a peer impact solutions forum to help the exempt entrepreneur & small business keep-it moving!
501c Startup & Small Business Collective (501cSBC)™, Inc. is a legally registered business concern with the State of MD under ID D23773435 and IRS Tax ID 92-2604364.
The need to resolve business operational blockages & functionally intrusive problems is why 501cSBC™ is resurrected for an ignored and underserved market of exempt startups, entrepreneurs and small businesses. So 501cSBC™ operates and serves under the NTEE Codes S40 & S43 as a Technical Assistance Charity & provider of Management Services to Small Biz Entrepreneurs. Our niche target is 501c.
The idea for 501cSBC™ had been unknowingly formulating over several decades.
It took on another life as instances of The Founder and her Colleagues encountering Federal & State Prime Contractors offering Sub-Contracting engagements to small businesses on Federal & State contract proposal bids only to NOT ALLOW that Sub to perform the work after the Prime was Awarded the contract. Noticeably so with Y2k.
Seems contradictory, but this was increasingly shared among peers, colleagues, neighbors, friends, former clients, former customers, Stakeholders from prior volunteerism, even among Fiscal Sponsorship Awardees and most noticeably from client-turned mentors.
It was occurring so frequently you could set your watch by it.
On that note, unfortunately nothing has changed……yet!

This actually became a vision and how it needed to work became clearer…
— during the chaos of the 2015-2016 primary-election season,
— followed by biz closures & work slow-down which began in early 2017
— thanks to the redirection of Federal funds to the wall where primes & their subs went unpaid
— followed by the subsequent 2018 Federal shutdown, and finally
— with no real economic recovery between the 2018 and COVID
— the 2020 COVID lockdown itself,
— and the final nail in the small business coffin, the denial by the SBA of EIDL funds to Sol Props, Single Member LLCs & similar Small Businesses for a host of unsupportable reasons such as being fake if they didn’t have business bank account even though not required (SolProps), or filing for COVID Stimulus complying with the $1 filing value rules only to be told by the SBA, “Amended Returns are never considered” So why create a deliberate exclusion?
So while 501cSBC™ wasn’t formally created until February 2023 work it does, effort behind it and strategies being applied to it have been ongoing at least since 1997-199 first with a small child advocacy association in DC and documented by several Y2K commitments which where we watched others do work we were committed to but not working — the kicker as the non-compete which had us locked in and unable to move.
Earlier work strategies and services of its parent, the 501c Business Incubator Council LLC had already been developed to resolve issues unique to each of its clients who, over decades has mastered a solutions development protocol that helps overcome all kinds of “can’t believe it” issues resulting from no-fault events one couldn’t expect or were not positioned to see coming.
Forum Participants

Participation in our Working Group Form was originally geared to new, young & pending 501c Awardees in all our various Fiscal Sponsorship Programs as its expanding from the Traditional Fiscal Sponsors, to specialized categories such as DME which is for those who have multiple entities that require sponsorships to SPs which are Special Project Fiscal Sponsorships for Individuals & For-Profits with Charitable Programs. Then came TASC, our technical assistance service center. Inquiries about FS services without the commitment kept increasing. So we created TASC to help Clients (vs. Awardees) needing the same body of services but want it without the legally binding commitment of a Fiscal Sponsorship. Grant/Donations processing is not available thru TASC because the Legal commitment of a Fiscal Sponsorship is required.
Including our Founder Association & Chamber, and Credit Union Members was a given once they were formed, and membership is complimentary for our resurrected Mentors Council who get to opportunities to participate as Host and/or Moderator.
As with all its new charities, 501cSBC™ is being fiscally sponsored by its co-parent EEF-501c™ so it may commence its work while awaiting IRS approval as a 501c3 Technical Assistance Charity.
501cSBC™ Membership
Membership is automatic for anyone who comes to 501cSBC™ as an Impact Solutions Forum Working Group Participant, Special Guest, Host, or Moderator. We have two classes of Membership: Primary and Forum Support, all of whom fall in one of 4 relationship types.
Primary Membership is reserved for Participant who are our Stakeholders.
Other 501cs., For-Profits with charitable programs and Parties genuinely interested in contributing to the success of Exempt Business Stakeholders such as Providers & Supports, you are more than welcome to participate as Host or Moderators. These individuals form our Forum Support Members. Along with our Mentor Council, Forum Support Members, also have an opportunity to Host a Follow-up Working Group Forum.
Just as with 501cSBC™, the Mentors Council actually began as consulting work/service offered to help its clients get passed what could not be seen due to external factors like social or political triggers that com out of nowhere to alter the landscape and will be an intricate part of its success. At one point the who services were delivered as Execs Online of the LLCs while it was still a SolProp. Its since taken on many other flavors when our 2008 Patent & Trademark Application revealed Execs Online was already taken. Its premise, that the Mentors Council would always be peers widely experience, well accomplished, not so much education though helpful as much as experience, what triggers as a result was essential to helping new or young leaders t help them learn, think strategically, critically, open-mindedly. Mentorship relations should be perpetual and invaluable.
Feel free to visit The 501cSBC™ website at www.501cStartupAndSmallBusinessCollective.org. 501cSBC™ is self-sustaining so everyone contributes courtesy of their Registration Fees whether Participant or Affiliate. Early Bird Registrants will have the advantage of a flat fee, where others will pay participation fees based on Participant, Moderator or Host.
This temp website is still under construction and also preparing for migration to a new hosting environment. The LLC is now its own Domain Registrar, another fair-priced resource secured for our startup & small biz stakeholders. so over the coming months, all our website products will be relocated to or recreated in our own domain registration & hosting platform, Exempt Domain Web Hosting. Stay tuned to our website as website for registration details, rates, forum sessions, etc.
Thanks to our Volunteers & Intern-Trainees for their help in producing our interim websites.
And Thanks for your patience and we work to get info published for you.