ATESE™ was established in August 2020 during the onset of the COVID pandemic/lockdown charged with building a community of Peers among its fellow 501c Founders.
ATESE™ was established as a Peer building mechanism to work with its National Chamber sibling to balance these inequities, eliminate other barriers to business operation & asset acquisition. ATESE™ is being fiscally sponsored by its co-parent, EEF-501c™ so it may commence its work while awaiting its approval as a 501c3 Charitable Membership Association by the IRS.

ATESE™ is focused on meeting the same startup, operational & funding challenges other “legally” registered business concern have. In this regard, 501cs Startups & Entrepreneurs are no different than their For-Profit Small Business siblings.
However, unlike For-Profit Startups and Small Businesses, the 501c sibling is routinely excluded from everything from Govt & B2B grant competitions, Federal technical assistance programs, to the Small Business Administrations own Programs, including HubZone & other Federal Certifications that are entry point to funding, business assets, B2B/Federal Contracting.
By networking and sharing experiences, ATESEs members will provide invaluable information to the its support infrastructure, providing insights and ID the the myriad paths that blockages to assets, funding and operations occur. ATESE will also foster if not force recognition and acceptance for this segment of the small business market as the legally established business concern it is, while helping minimize if not eliminate the adverse impact of exclusions these businesses live with in the name of fulfilling their tax exempt missions.
In honor of our 10th Anniversary, we’ve launched, EMPOWERSHIPS™ and are Pre-qualifying Applications for an Early-Bird Registration Discount to ALL our new member organizations that they qualify for. This is a limited offer, so Apply Today!
Check it out — hope to see you soon.